A Life's Pursuit: 41 Shots!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

41 Shots!

I am now the same age as Halle Berry..."

Well another year of my life has passed since I first swam upstream, as it were. Alas, its been a long year of peaks and valleys – but such is life. It's been an incredible birthday full of all the things that make birthdays special. With a cornucopia of well wishes and tidings, the day stands as one of the best in some years. Ironicly, I tried to sleep in this birthday and just let the day pass; no such luck. My body woke up long before I wanted to...7am. Ironicly, my home of employment gives birthdays off; I never considered that before as a legitamate day to miss work; hence, everything changes. I went about my day after making a list of 15-20 things I needed to get done that could be done best when I wasn't at work and got all but one accomplished. That one I really needed; but I will definitely get it done too. I listened to Bruce Springstein as I drove from place to place with the haunting beat of 41 Shots in my head with every stop and go. December is a busy month! I was never supposed to live this long.

Well how about the gifts! Hmmm...I will start with my wife's; FLYING LESSONS! Yes, incredible as she is, this gift tops the charts from years passed. Friday I am scheduled at 10 am to lift off into the wild blue yonder. I have always loved flying since I was kid, from remote control gadgets, to rubber band powered toys to Air Force jets to flying saucers and not to be left out, the ole bicycle, block and plank. However I could get off the ground, I was in. Maybe some day I will get to skydive or hang glide too....but thats another blog.

We had a fantastic dinner at Demos with Tom and Cassandra. Of course, they knocked it out of the park too. Their gifts include a Salvador Dali, a leather-bond sketch book, custom T-shirts (one for me and one for my wifey) and a card! Wow! They are a great couple and we are all looking forward to a great new year of new opportunities and fun times. Even Mr. Demos came over and visited and laughed with us for a while. The Demos' are great folks and I have eaten at the restaurant for so long, I cannot remember; but he does. He and wife Doris are special people with a gift of smiles. Thanks Demos'....oh yeah, Ross and Tyler for great drinks: Jack and Coke, Alien Secretion and Desrano on the rocks!

My wife always marvels at how my family is so dedicated to calling on birthdays. Typically beginning at 7am, my phone rings for the rest of the day and/or email. This year was no different. I am truely lucky and extremely blessed...hopefully I do a better job of returning all that next year.

41 years old...hmmm I remember knowing people who were that old when I was still watching UnderDog and SuperFriends on Saturday mornings. Now it me; that old guy. Oh well...its been great getting here. I try not to ALWAYS be giving advice or my opinion or even polluting the air with my voice; I will do a far better job of that in the new year as well. December is a month of upgrade and revision for me. The next years direction and inhabitants are pretty much decided in December. I surf through the holidays; changes begin January 1; no exceptions and no mercies and no delays! I've been that way for as long as I was me and I am old enuf to understand and appreciate staying true to my still inner self that views everything as a luxury and or gift.

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