A Life's Pursuit: The Parts Make The Whole

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Parts Make The Whole

shredded face, cat eyes
Image by Lisa Sweet..." The images I create express somewhat logical conclusions to my own absurd dreams both asleep and awake...."

The world is a broken place! Perhaps, the world is a big mixing bowl where the ingredients get crushed and mixed like eggs and batter. It would seem there is no one who isn't broken or without some pieces that don't fit or don't show. Beware of those who claim no imperfections. I find the faucets of fracture to be always intreaguing; while the results are not always the same. These "shredded parts" or experiences create chasms and crevices for our deepest fears to plant their seeds for later harvest. Ever notice how nothing starts out BIG! Everything I can think of starts out pretty small and as it grows, gets much bigger. I have met many who have allowed issues from the past to cloud every future judgement based on a "one-time" or "one person" experience. But wait, who am I kidding. Is that not all of us, as well. At least, I know it's me. Sure, I war against it half-heartedly at times; but typically the statistics win out.

When I was a surreal artist (when I was but a wee lad in the streets of Compton, NY), I was fascinated by the human face. You have seen those cool pictures of people whose faces couldn't hide the hard times they have survived. The human face has the power to hide everything behind itself and re-translate it into a deceptive or seclusive expression. When we meet someone, we have little idea of their origins or fractures or even the scars that lie below the surface. The kind smile and simple hello are distractions, illusions that hide our nakednesses from each other. Granted; there are those that could stand to do a little hiding and a lot of covering; but that's anther blog for another day. Be where you are, Jedi...be NOW.

I like my pieces; they give me something to fill in the inperfections with. Sometimes its hard to find the exact fit for a hole; but several pieces and some mud work just fine. Secure the perimeters! Batton down the hatches. Raise the bridge! That's the way life appears to be lived. Even worse, it is often required. Only friends can stand close enough to kill without striking. Alas, as some great quotician said, "keep your friends close; but keep your enemies even closer." Another went on to say, "enemies make the most reliable friends." Wounds leave scars.

Wrap up your pieces and hide them behind your face. Guard your sacred treasures men seek to steal. Leave no maps and dead men tell no tales.

Hmmm....I wonder how Barbados is this time of the year....

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