A Life's Pursuit: The Naked "Raw" Truth

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Naked "Raw" Truth

"Raw" is a term used sometimes to mean "devoid of covering," "not hidden," "bare." I have read many blogs and different publications about the lives of others. It is inevitable that you encounter someone's life or story on a level of "rawness" that it immediately creates or moves something inside you. Whether it's deep sadness, pathos or inspiration; these things happen fairly often. Typically when you start blogging, someone or most ask, why? That is followed by "how can you put yourself out there so "raw"? True, one of the most horrifying things people face is standing before a crowd "naked!" While I wouldn't volunteer, I don't know that I would be terrified by it. Afterall, it's kinda like having a shaved head — it's yours and that's all there is and it's all out there and mine whether you like it or not. Granted I love my privacy, but some things are just universal...though it feels really personal; everybody goes through it.

It's funny how we would hate for our foreheads to always show what we are thinking or for "sister so and so" to see us leaving a liquor store or whatever; but we seem less concerned with God seeing anything and everything we not only consider but also do when noone sees. Isn't it odd that the most powerful and dangerous one gets the least concern. Speaking of which, God is typically watered down as some skinny dude with a sheep around his neck or just something way out there or any other set of weak and vaporous ideas we romanticise our superiority over with reverence but no restraint. Hmmm...so many ideas; so little blog.

Anyway, we find it difficult to maintain our childhood innocense in terms of trust and forgiveness; because being "raw" leaves you "raw...." horribly scraped up and battered. Afterall, we say, "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, SHAME ON ME." As adults, we take great pride in learning from the linear teachers of sequencial circumstances and circular logic. We are always challenged to maintain the faith and trust of children; but "child molesters" are everywhere; even in the church. Let's face it, if you cannot trust the church/preacher/fathers/nuns/deacons/teachers/police/politicians/ourselves—whose left? What is the hope of our children or our own child-like disciplines? Dare we trust in anyone else but GOD?

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